Through the Pandemic and Beyond
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Meeting Catalina Island's Needs in Times of Crisis
In 2020, the cloud of the COVID-19 pandemic darkened our lives: confining us, shutting down business and tourism, and taking the lives of over 550,000 Americans. During this challenging time, Catalina Island Health worked with community leaders to protect public health and safety. By working together, Catalina Island pulled through the pandemic — as a community — and now looks forward to the new normal that is emerging as summer approaches.
CI Health met the challenges of the public health crisis head on, not only with our excellent medical team, but through a robust program of testing, education, and outreach that left no one behind. We published real-time updates and broadly promoted public health protocols everywhere from social media to grocery stores, putting our trusted providers at the center of this messaging. Overnight, CI Health expanded our telemedicine services and reconfigured our space so that we could take care of patients more safely. CI Health kept abreast of the strict requirements from the CDC and LA County Public Health to continue to provide care in an unprecedented time.
As soon as the FDA authorized the emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines, CI Health deployed a comprehensive vaccine strategy following LA County Public Health guidelines. Since December 2020, CI Health has organized over 40 vaccine clinics, delivering vaccines to healthcare workers, emergency medical service providers, and law enforcement. In following the tiers laid out by the county, CI Health vaccinated essential workers and those most vulnerable to the ravages of the virus. We now offer vaccines weekly in the CI Health clinic as part of what will be a permanent strategy to protect this community against COVID-19. CI Health’s timely response to this challenge contributed to the reduced spread of COVID-19 infections and saved lives.
A Bright Future with Your Help
While we’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, we aren’t out of the woods yet. Education and outreach remain incredibly important, and the threat of a COVID-19 resurgence, or another public health crisis, is real.
Even before the appearance of COVID-19, Critical Access Hospitals like CI Health were under financial stress. The pandemic brought many costly changes to health care to protect patients and staff from exposure to COVID-19 — and further costs are likely as new public health guidelines are issued. Your generous financial support will aid CI Health’s efforts to prevent a COVID-19 resurgence in our community and strengthen our capacity to respond to the next crisis.
Throughout the pandemic, CI Health continued to provide its regular clinical and long-term care services, including our 24/7 emergency room service — despite financial and logistical hurdles. The medical center is integral to Catalina’s recovery and future plans. Now more than ever, we need your help to continue our mission of ensuring the health of those who call Catalina Island home — and providing care to our beloved Island visitors when they need it.
Catalina Island’s Public Health Leader

260+ Critical Alerts
Unprecedented communication through video broadcasts, news posts, social alerts and more.

2,900+ Tests
Coordinated antigen and antibody testing, advocated for tests.

40+ Vaccine Clinics
In December 2020, CI Health immediately launched vaccine planning and distribution for Catalina Island. Since April 2021, vaccinations are provided weekly at the CI Health clinic.

Thank you to those who have supported CI Health in this time of need.
CI Health continues to need financial support. Your generous donation of any size enables us to swiftly address emerging public health needs like the pandemic – and to continue forging our path towards building a new hospital for Catalina Island.

Caring for You.
Help Fund CI Health's Emergency Response. Please make a gift today.

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